International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IJEEE)




Welcome to International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IJEEE). It is an international refereed electronic & print journal in English. International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IJEEE) is published by AR Research Publication on Bi-Annual basis with the aim to provide an appropriate platform presenting well considered, meaningful, constructively thought provoking and non-controversial but critically analyzing and synthesizing present and future aspects of Technical Education System with particular reference to our country. The contributors are expected to highlight various issues of Electrical and Electronics Engineering along with meaningful suggestions for solution and innovations.

The following types of article will be considered

1. Research Articles: Original research in different fields of science, engineering and technology will be evaluated as research articles.

2. Research Notes: These include articles such as manuscripts.

3. Reviews: Reviews of recent improvements, discoveries, developments, and thoughts in various fields of Science and Engineering specially for electrical and electronics will be considered.

4.Frequency: One volume in a year. Two issues in each volume